The History of Transportation

            The study of transportation over time is one that is very interesting. Without means of transportation, we wouldn't be able to carry out most of our daily activities. Think about it. What would you do if you couldn't take the bus, drive a car, or ride your bike to get to school? What would you do if you needed to get to the hospital for an emergency? We must be thankful for the way that technology has evolved, providing us with the transportation that is needed in our daily lives.

            The earliest type of transportation in history was walking. After walking came domesticated animals. People would either ride the animals or train them to carry goods. Next came the sled. These were not the types of sleds that you use on a snow day, however. The early humans would put objects on sleds, which they would drag behind them as they walked. Then, perhaps the most important invention in history was created: the wheel. This was the basis for all future models of transportation. With the wheel, people were able to create carts to wheel around their items. They were also able to create the horse and buggy, which became the most popular way to transport people. You can view the horse and buggy on our art site in the photography section! Along with this came the development of harnesses and iron horseshoes. Due to the invention of the wheel, the world began to see the first dirt roads. They were built around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia.

            During the Age of Exploration in Europe, a new type of water transportation was invented. Explorers sailed the seas in complex sailboats. The magnetic compass was also invented, which positively contributed to their journeys. During the Industrial Revolution in Europe, scientists learned how to use steam as energy. This led to steam powered cars, boats, and trains. With new cars came hard surfaced roads. Canals, hot air balloons, subway lines, and electrified railroads then made their ways into the universe. Gasoline cars were invented, which caused the creation of highways. Transportation began to spin out of control with motorcycles, blimps, airplanes, helicopters, and space ships. It is truly incredible how over time, transportation evolved from walking to space ships. Imagine what new types of transportations will be invented in the near future!
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