
Rites of Passages

Whether it be a Bar Mitzvah or a Confirmation, we all go through our religious, or in some cases, our society's, rites of passages. In me and my partners' cases, we all had Bar Mitzvahs. A Bar Mitzvah is the becoming of a man or a woman in the Jewish religion. This is when you transition from being considered a child to an adult, according to the Jewish religion of course. With every rite of passage comes a new phase of that person's life, one where they have great new privileges and responsibilities. 

In a Vanuatan persons life, Land Diving, or as we know it, “Bungee Jumping”, is that ceremony that marks the new phase of a childs life. At 7 or 8, a young boy is told to jump from the tower's top. His mother watches, holding a significant item from his childhood and as he jumps, his mother throws it away. This symbolizes the end of that phase in his life and the beginning of a new one.