
The phases of grief are contained throughout a complex process. Shock is the first phase, which is accompanied by disbelief and numbness.

Denial follows quickly. This is often when people don't believe the loss is actually reality.

Bargaining is one’s promise that they'll do all the right things, just so they can have their loved one back. This leads into the phase of guilt.

Guilt is painful and hard to deal with. This is when one experiences major feelings of regret.

Anger is another big factor, which seems to be necessary in order to face the reality of life and then to get beyond it. Anger is a natural stage through which we must pass.

Depression is a stage of grief that comes and goes. One definitely needs as much time as they desire to heal.

Resignation is a late stage, which comes when one finally accepts the truth of their loved one being gone.

The last phase of grief is acceptance and hope. One must understand that they will never be the same, but their lives can go on to find a new and unique meaning and purpose.

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