Doc Rachell

Doc Rachell explains how he came upon his field of Science. Something interesting about Doc Rachell is that he had not been teaching his whole life. At two times in his life did he come upon a fork in the road, or a change of phase as we see it. 

He started off as a teacher, but later decided to become a chiropractor. He went to school, and eventually became a doctor. Later on in his life, he became acquainted with Wheatley, and he describes it as, "another fork in the road". This time he decided to change phases yet again, and become a teacher at the Wheatley School. 

Now, as he approaches his last months at Wheatley, he is yet again taking another fork in the road. He warns that, "every time a fork comes, look both ways." We asked him what made him realize it was time to move onto the next phase of his life, and he explained that it was time for him to start his bucket list. He tells us how as he has gotten older, his practicality has progressed as well. He no longer makes short term decisions like many young people do, but rather makes choices that affect the long term as well as the bigger picture, such as his family. One of the most important things Doc thinks he gives to his students for their futures is the ability to manage time, and work as an individual. He explains that he doesn't believe what he teaches will come in handy if you don't go into the medical profession, but he likes to teach kids how to work as individuals and how to get things done by themselves.