Taylor's grandma, Jackie Kaminsky, has been married to Gerry Kaminsky for nearly 50 years. She explains that once you have kids, your relationship completely changes. She had her son, Gary Kaminsky, and shortly after Michael. She tells us that when you have kids, you basically enter a new phase in your life. In this new phase, you are expected to turn all your attention onto your kids. "This could be a good thing and a bad thing," Jackie tells us. Little League games, family trips, and carpooling all took up most of her time. But as time went on, the cycle came to a shift as her kids went onto college. She transitioned back into a point in which her and her husband could focus on their relationship once again. Although this time around, things are different in the relationship. They are no longer young as they used to be. Soon enough, the cycle in a sense repeats itself, as Jackie's grandkids were born. "Now, our focus was on our grandchildren, doing lots of things with them and having lots of fun," Jackie explains. In this sense, she has gone back to a phase she had not been in for quite some time. Yet again, her focus moved onto taking care of children. These changes represent a cycle in the life of her family.