
Communication Over Time

Let's point out some of the most popular trends of communication that evolved over the years. Firstly, we see the postal service evolve in 550 BC, which was a considerably large deal because this was a great way to spread information to and from long distances. This also, however, required the use of knowledge and legible calligraphy. In 1792, the telegraph was invented, which is a device for transmitting and receiving messages over long distances. Next, email was invented in 1966, which due to the fact that we still use, and potentially abuse, this today, we are well aware of the fast and easy access email gives us. Wikipedia evolved in 2001, which as many of us know is a very simple way to obtain information. Both the famous MySpace and Facebook arrived in 2003. Both of these new creations definitely allow for people to know others' business a lot easier and faster than farther back in history. Whereas it used to take people days, sometimes weeks, to obtain information about one another, we can now receive that information in a matter of seconds. Back then, people were often trying to receive the news of whether or not their loved ones were alive, while now, many of us are guilty of trying to receive the news of who won the Grammy award, or who who wore what to the party Saturday night. Imagine if the people from the past phases in history were to observe our society currently! What would they think of us!?