Our Questions: 

-In the different religions, how does one transform into an adult? 

-Do the phases of the moon affect human behaviors and horoscopes?

-How and why do phases recycle?

Our Conclusions: 

The transformation of becoming an adult in the Jewish and Islamic religions occurs when a child hits puberty. This is also at the time when their level of responsibilities and expectations increases.

With our research and the help of astrologists, Ivan Kelly, James Rotton, and Roger Culver, we concluded that the phases of the moon in fact do not affect human behavior.

We did also come across a conclusion that the phases of life do definitely cycle. Many of our experiments led us towards the idea that elders and infants both have many selfish desires, relating them to the Id stage of Freud’s psychosexual development theory. We can also conclude that middle-aged people are more Ego instead of Id in that they understand reality. All of the phases we researched, whether involved in science, psychology, math, history, economy, diseases, and law, are all cyclic phases.